We’ve all experienced that moment where we’re browsing a shop for no other reason than to look at pretty things and something catches our eye. We try not to get too captivated, but in the end, it’s so beautifully displayed that we simply have no choice but to buy it.
This is how good retail interior design in Singapore can contribute to higher merchandise sales. As a designer, you’re basically creating a romantic atmosphere between the products and the customer. Both are mutually exclusive and both are the protagonists of the story. So here are a few ways you can ramp up this romance to trigger your customer’s inner shopaholic.
There’s a certain sort of magic in touching stuff. When you touch something, it appeals to a particular part of your senses. This tactile appeal is a very important factor in creating that hook between the customer and your merchandise. It is the major reason why your displays should be within easy reach of the customer. The moment a person touches a certain shirt or a scarf or even a handbag, is the moment they fall hook, line and sinker. It’s the best opportunity for you to make the most of your retail interior design.
Anthropometry is a basically a scale through which you can design furniture that accommodates the human physique. It a scale that makes most things accessible and within human reach. And in the end, isn’t accessibility the most attractive feature within any interior design context? If your product is not accessible to the customer, then you’ve failed even before you’ve begun. This is why it’s important to pay attention to the proper anthropometry in order to create that tactile love-line between the customer and the merchandise.
No customer wants to feel like they’re sifting through their own cupboard when they’re browsing for stuff in a retail outlet. Therefore, the hanging and display units in your outlet have to be ergonomic enough to satisfy the physical, psychological and aesthetical needs of your customer. Only when they feel like they have the right experience would they feel like actually investing in the product – otherwise, they’ll simply move on to the next thing.
Nothing and no one can ever deny the impact of ambient and accent lighting in a retail interior design. It’s the kind of design aspect that has an almost abstract quality, but not only does good lighting set the mood, it also has the ability to bring out the best in certain products. For example, if there’s a product in your merchandise that’s not the best colour, then good lighting can soften the impact of its visuals. Similarly, the quality of this ambient lighting can help set the right mood to stimulate the inner shopaholic within your customer.
Home Guide Design is the hallmark of all retail interior designing. Our team knows how best to complement any setting with the right mood lighting, colour scheme and even space management.