Is Interior Design Just About Arranging Pretty Things?

Is Interior Design Just About Arranging Pretty Things?

It’s very common for the work of interior designers and decorators to be misunderstood or underestimated. So many people view it as simply just arranging or buying items to make a beautiful home or office.

Interior design and decor projects, however, encompass a lot more.

They transform the spaces that we spend the most time in, our safe havens from the world. Hence, the right home arrangement can have a much more profound impact than just make the home owner feel happy with how cool and modern their flat is.

Interior Design and the Human Psyche

Home décor affects many aspects of your existence, including your psychological wellbeing.

Objects, elements and colours inside one’s house have been studied to have a very powerful effect on mood. Colours, in particular, can easily generate a certain emotional response or amplify the state of mind that we’re currently in.

The connection between colour and psychology is so strong that it has even entered our vocabularies –feeling blue, green with envy, looking at the world through pink glasses are just three popular examples. Interior designers understand these facts and they most definitely take the psychology of colour in consideration when conceptualising a project for a certain client.

The way the space is lit is another major element that can make a person feel happy and content or depressed and even lonely.

Letting in a lot of natural light allows for the creation of a cheerful, happy and inviting atmosphere. Making the most of natural light is an interior design rule 101. When this isn’t possible, interior designers rely on multiple tricks and approaches to illuminate a space properly and give it the cheerfulness that only sunlight can bring to the table.

But the psychological effect of interior design is much more profound than these two common and easily understandable examples.

In a study published in InformeDesign magazine, respondents were monitored to determine how ceiling height influenced their mood and whether a more cramped space let to the feelings of confinement.

Researchers found out that ceiling height did indeed impact an individual’s self-perception of freedom. The sub-conscious perception of interior space and one’s home environment is heavily connected to a person’s wellbeing. Those living in flats with higher ceiling were more carefree, more creative and much happier than people living in flats with low hanging ceilings.

Textures and shapes inside the house have been recognised to have a similar powerful impact, as well.

A shaggy, fluffy rug immediately increases the sense of comfort. A wall clock, metal elements and vases make a person feel strong, empowered and protected in their living space.

As you can see, there’s a lot to consider when planning a home interior design  and décor project. It’s not just pretty or trendy. It’s also capable of making individuals healthier and happier. Hence, interior designers have to put a lot of effort and thought in their concepts as their work can impact lives.

Interior Designers Study People

To give a client exactly what they’re looking for, an interior designer will first have to study the person.

That’s the depth and length of research that such professionals have to go through.

The extensiveness of research and preliminary work are outlined perfectly in a Tedx Talk by interior design professional Phoebe Oldrey.

Oldrey dissects the way that society views her work and the impact that such notions have had on her as a professional.

Based on feedback received, Oldrey started wondering about everything that interior design encompasses.

Eventually, she reached the conclusion that interior design is first and foremost a study of people before it turns into a study of a living space.

The psychological notions of space, colour and texture are easy to understand. Each individual, however, has their specific response to the living space. What some people will find soothing, others may consider agitating. This is one of the primary reasons why a preliminary consultation plays such a crucial role when it comes to the personalisation of the execution.

An interior designer will have to “study” their clients emotionally, physically and even visually to understand their preferences and their needs before moving on to actually making a home “pretty.”

We’re surrounded by design and we respond to it in a highly unique way. When design is good and tailored to meet personal needs, it blends well into one’s environment. Good design isn’t noticeable. Bad design, on the other hand, sticks out like a sore thumb. This and many other interesting design notions can be explored by going through Oldrey’s entire Tedx Talk.

Our View on Design and Human Nature

As a professional home interior designer company, we strongly agree that our work encompasses so much more than making a space pretty.

Good interior design promotes relaxation. It makes people feel happy and eager to spend more time in their home. It allows families to connect, it gives busy professionals the opportunity to unwind and it even supports recovery after intense experiences in the outside world.

We are amazed by the transformative power of the work that we do. This is why we spend a lot of time trying to understand our clients, their aesthetics and their lifestyles. The diversity of the Home Guide residential portfolio stands as evidence of the claim.

We can help you make your home more than just pretty. We can turn it in an actual reflection of your personality and your lifestyle. Contact us or use our WhatsApp to reach out and discuss the specifics of the ideal home that you’ve already envisioned in your mind.

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