On the surface, retail interior design may not look very complicated, after all, what could be so hard about designing a pretty space for some casual merchandise, right? Ask any seasoned Interior design company in Singapore and you will realise there are actually a huge list of factors to consider before even coming up with a design plan.
One those major considerations is the context of which your store will be placed within – the location, the environment, the demographic, the competitors within the same vicinity – these are some of the factors that should greatly influence how you design your store .
The culture of shopping mall as a destination for leisure and entertainment has become a globalised phenomenon as a result of the industrial revolution, the sprouting of suburbia, higher spending power and lower cost of goods. Singapore is definitely no exception. In an era where shopping is a Singaporean national pastime, just behind dining out, having all retail outlets in a single space is a total dream come true for consumers.
While this is an ideal setting for the customer, it can be challenging to make your shop stand out. In such settings, retail interior designers in Singapore have to craft experiences that belies tradition and make customers stop in their tracks to take a second or even a third look. This means special attention has to be paid to all your design considerations and go for broke in order to hook your customers.
These are the shops you walk by every day when going from one place to another. Strip malls used to be a key element of past retail ventures, but they’ve slowly evolved into curb-side individual shops that have a huge amount of brand presence. The designs of such outlets are usually very brand-conscious. The logo design and elevation are the major aspects to be considered. The main goal for the interior design of such shops is to design an impressive window display and an attractive facade in order to enhance the curb appeal.
Department stores that feature a lot of different brands call for a more holistic approach. Each brand calls for individuality, and creating a wholesome ambiance that features individual brand zones within a small amount of space can be quite a challenging task.
Moreover, the kind of merchandise that you can find in a single department store is will be much more diverse than those you find in individual shops so a lot more attention has to be paid towards ambiance, product display strategy, space management to avoid issues like the butt-brush effect and even work in story telling to create a retail journey for your customers.
So these are some of the major retail outlet genre’s you can find throughout Singapore. Home Guide has been in the interior design industry for more than two decades and we have the ability to craft the best retail interior designs within the context to create an amazing retail experience for your clients.